Website Go for is new and improved

Sunday, January 30, 2011

After several months in the making, the new website is finally launched. Featuring a ton of new portfolio content and a streamlined navigation system,, is a new and welcome departure from the old site. I toyed around with several looks before going with clean and simple, which puts an emphasis on the work and not on the website.

One big reason for the redesign is that I wanted to include both my Illustration and Design work in the same website. Previously the two halves of me were kept separate, where as now I am just one creative entity. As my focus in art has been drifting into the fine art realm, that aspect has been given showcase room as well.

The other reason for the site redesign is that it has been a long time coming. The old sites were 2.5 and 4 years old, and a lot has changed in the web design world. I wanted to stay fresh with the new technologies and standards and have a web portfolio that is easy to update. The Bill Barilko artwork currently on the main landing page, is a tribute to how long it has taken to finally get around to making the changes. Not quite 49 years. but close enough.

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