Cool Website Design-spiration

Monday, July 22, 2013

 In starting a new web project I was doing some research to get a little inspired. I actually ended up getting a little uninspired due to the lack of well-designed, functional and cool sites out there. Only a few really caught my eye as either doing something different or doing something well.

1. Puma
Puma's website looks real nice, but they've got a specific section about the creativity behind their products that turns out to be a real visual treat. 

2. Adidas
In the area for their design department in particular, the Adidas site has some nice imagery, as well as unobtrusive fade-ins behind the process.

3. WWF
The only fully responsive site of the bunch, World Wildlife's site looks great on any device, filled with wonderful photography and well-edited, concise articles.

4. Hoxton Hotel
I found that hotels have yet to stray away from the dated, one giant background image layout and seem afraid to add branding flair to their sites. Hoxton in London has a really clean scroller site that stands out for its solid design and confidence.

5. Target Canada
Retail sites can be pretty dull, but Target feels a bit fresher...I especially like the use of illustration throughout the site, instead of just product photos.

6. Keith's
The content is organized uniquely for this fine Canadian beer's site, in randomly layed out boxes with minimal type. What really caught my attention was the vivid photography and colours, which can also be seen in their recent commercial

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