Aquafit Diva
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Here's an illustration I did for an article about a middle-aged woman's foray into Aqua Fitness. Though it may seem like a simple adventure on the surface, she discovers an unspoken aquafit code. Those not wearing swim caps, nose plugs, full-coverage bathing suits and, in general, moving too fast, can be seen as outsiders by the pack. Aquafit is a serious fitness pursuit, and you must treat it as such.
The full page artwork is done in my typical style but I finally experimented with inking via tablet. I can't really tell the difference from brush, though the tactile satisfaction of paper and ink was missed. I will admit that inking with a tablet is handy when the artwork is detailed and can't be produced at a larger size and shrunk down, but I'm certainly not giving up on the traditional method.
The full page artwork is done in my typical style but I finally experimented with inking via tablet. I can't really tell the difference from brush, though the tactile satisfaction of paper and ink was missed. I will admit that inking with a tablet is handy when the artwork is detailed and can't be produced at a larger size and shrunk down, but I'm certainly not giving up on the traditional method.