Holiday Season Bonanza

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Along with the holiday season comes a handful of temporary changes. Most importantly, Christmas specials hit the air, and everyone tries their best to get in all of their personal favourites without scheduling conflicts. A few on my classic list include Garfield Christmas, Muppet Family Christmas, Charlie Brown and the Grinch. None of which were actually produced in the last 20 years, but all still going strong, and each special in its own special way.

Christmas is also the biggest shopping time of the year. Which means all of the best advertising, the biggest window display and POP budgets, and the slickest packaging, all come out to play. None of which sells me on anything, and makes me feel like I have to buy a product to complete my Christmas, but thanks anyways for elevating the level of cool promo stuff once a year. Businesses even fall in as well, slaving to get off the cleverest Christmas cards and thank-you gifts for the holiday season. Here is one of favourite holiday things I've done, breaking it out in MJ's honour

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