New Old Zehrs logo
Friday, February 04, 2011
Sometimes a rebranding happens, and you find yourself wondering what exactly the point of it was. In general, spending a bunch of time/money to take a step in the wrong direction, or even worse, backwards, just isn't a good idea. The redesigned Zehrs logo now going up in store locations across Ontario, is feeling like of those big steps backward.
While the old logo and its typical grocer blocky typography could certainly benefit from a refresh, the new version is entirely questionable. It just doesn't really make sense...some sort of custom middle-eastern script fusion logotype that looks like one of the the fonts you get in the 10,000 free fonts packs. It doesn't feel very contemporary or have any connection to the fresh local market vibe that Zehr's interiors are going for. Then throw the old serif Markets which really doesn't fit in, and its one heck of logo grab bag. Should have just stuck with the old logo
While the old logo and its typical grocer blocky typography could certainly benefit from a refresh, the new version is entirely questionable. It just doesn't really make sense...some sort of custom middle-eastern script fusion logotype that looks like one of the the fonts you get in the 10,000 free fonts packs. It doesn't feel very contemporary or have any connection to the fresh local market vibe that Zehr's interiors are going for. Then throw the old serif Markets which really doesn't fit in, and its one heck of logo grab bag. Should have just stuck with the old logo