Prepare to Paint
Monday, January 18, 2010
With the arrival of the new year, and the cold winter months, came an increased yearning to get down to some serious painting. It's an easy thing to put off, when busy with other drawing and design projects, but I plan on making an honest effort to be more productive in the painting department. Specifically what I have in mind, is a collection of paintings on large, same size canvasses, focusing on a similar subject matter. A bit of a new idea for me, given my usual preference is to paint whatever I have in mind, on whatever is available. In gearing up for the storm of painting, I made the drive down to the local DeSerres art store (not so local, since after moving the closest one is 45 minutes away), and took my time perusing the store. All in all, it's a pretty spectacular place, and pretty much impossible to come away from empty handed. I stocked up on some serious tubs of paint and a stack of canvasses, and am pumped to get going. Here's to a new year of creativity!